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(Not actual German)

storm 21 °C

I had to cut my sightseeing short in Salzburg today due to the rain but I think I pretty much saw everything. Salzburg is a fairly small town with the largest abundance of baroque buildings I've ever seen, at least in such a concentrated area. I'm a huge fan of baroque architecture and so one would imagine that I would find the town irresistible. However, the brand of baroque that makes up the vast majority of the buildings in Salzburg is extraordinarily plain and I'm drawn to the more ornate pieces. That said, there were some fantastic examples of baroque architecture in and around the city center (some photos uploaded!).

My favorite thing about Salzburg is its setting. The old town is built mostly on the south bank of the Salzach river. On the south side is a large flat area backed by impressive cliffs upon which the city fortress is situated. On the north side of the river is a flat area where the new town was built in the mid and later 19th century and to the east is a massive wooded hill with a narrow band of buildings against the river. The approach toward the Salzburg fortress from the southeast takes you along switchbacks. Parts of the walk are absolutely fantastic and provide a surprising sense of seclusion despite the massive throngs of tourists.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Lucerne, Switzerland. It's my last stop in Europe this summer. I've heard great things about Lucerne and I'm really just looking forward to lounging around the city.

Posted by DavidJFabe 07:12 Archived in Austria

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